Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our New Cat House

My Mommy wants to thank everyone again for their condolences for Izzy.  For those not on facebook, she posted about how much Izzy's vet loved her.  Izzy's Momma and Daddy got a personal card from her vet.  Plus there was another from the National Arbor Day Foundation that a tree was being planted in the Superior National Forest in Minnesota in Izzy's name because of a donation from her vet.  Isn't that wonderful?

Now back to seeing us!  My Mommy got us something new and it was only $10.  She got it from an old neighbor looking to sell it.

As you can see, I (Lily) love it!  I prefer the top, but inside is ok too.  Jan gets on it every once in awhile.  Mostly Jan runs in and out or jumps up and down likes it's a jungle gym.

Everybody please be sure to visit the Ladies of Autumn blog today!  We are having a party to celebrate the first day of Autumn!